Accomplish Your Goals With Various Techniques Tailored Specifically For You

Our subconscious is like a vault, everything we learned or lived is stored there. Our beliefs, memories, emotions, habits and patterns, our experiences that shaped how we feel about life and the reasons why we respond to certain things in certain ways. Our subconscious mind either gives rise to our brilliant ideas or it tears them down.

So why is our subconscious not a major part of our every day awareness?

Early in life we learn to navigate the world with our conscious mind, but change directed with our conscious mind has its limits, willpower alone can’t break bad habits or fears, and we find ourselves making the same decisions, ‘mistakes’ or New Years’ resolution over and over again. To change we need more than willpower and logic, we need to connect with our subconscious mind


Get rid of the things that hold you back

We connect with our subconscious mind with hypnosis, but don’t worry hypnosis doesn’t take over your brain. A ‘hypnotic trance’ is a completely natural state of inward focus, its similar to experiencing deep relaxation or being totally absorbed in a movie. In Hypnosis you’re so absorbed in your own self that you’re not worrying about the outside world. This heightened state of focus gives your mind more control not less.

The analytical and critical mind is bypassed and we can access beliefs formed many years ago. In this process we get to the root cause of the patterns, habits and default behaviours that run our life today. It allows your subconscious mind to become more receptive to new and better suggestions, it helps you change your perception and thoughts. Positive and better suggestions like seeds are planted in the subconscious mind. So you don’t feel self-conscious anymore, so you don’t second guess yourself and just let go. Change your habits for a healthier body, get rid off stress, anxiety and fear. Get ready to perform your very best, say goodbye to guilt and discouragement and step into your brilliant future.

Rapid Transformational Therapy – RTT is a powerful, innovative and hybrid method of hypnotherapy, which is based on Neuroscience and Neuroplasticity.

Developed by Marisa Peer, a pioneering psychotherapist in the UK, which combines most effective techniques of NLP – Neuro Linguistic Programming, Cbt – Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, Psychotherapy and Hypnotherapy to achieve most rapid, effective and permanent changes.


It helped thousands of people worldwide to successfully overcome all kinds of issues by talking directly to your subconscious mind and finding out the root cause.

Rather that simply talking and ‘thinking’ about the problem (symptom) with Rtt you get to the actual problem where you can directly release limiting beliefs and behaviours and be free to live the life of your dreams and achieve any goal you set your mind to.

Support for RTT

RTT is a rigorous, award-winning approach to therapy.

Many top level companies have used RTT to improve workplace performance by removing the limiting beliefs of their employees (whether around issues of confidence, public speaking, motivation, decision making, self-esteem, money blocks, etc.). These companies include:

RTT has won many awards and is endorsed by many international bodies, including: